Year 2

Year 2 is made up of three classes; Capri, Scorpio and Fiesta.


Welcome to the Year 2 page. Here you will find information on what we will be learning over the year. You’ll also find the our teaching and support staff, along with a feed of recent tweets from Year 2.

School Hours

Morning: 8.40am – 12:15pm
Afternoon: 1:20pm – 3:10pm
School gates open 8.35-8.40am.

Year 2 Staff

  • Amy Whiffin

    Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Maths Lead, Co Geography Lead, KS1 lead, LAC Lead, Attendance Lead, Assessment Lead, Students & volunteers
  • Mrs Dean

    Capri Class Teacher, PSHE Lead
  • Mrs Allchurch

    Capri Class Teacher, Science Lead
  • Mrs Miah

    Scorpio Class Teacher, RE Lead
  • Mrs Chowdhury

    Fiesta Class Teacher, EAL Lead
  • Mrs Duplock

    Capri Class Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Vize

    Fiesta Class Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Siggers

    Teaching Assistant, Mid Day Assistant
  • Ms Whelan

    Music Teacher, Music Lead

Year 2 Tweets

Year2 are busy starting their shoebox habitats. They are linking their D&T, Science and Geography learning. In PSHE they have been learning how to work collaboratively and they are using those skills today too!

The Nite Owls came to visit Village Infant School. In science Year2 are learning about animal habitats. They have been researching information about owls to write a report.

Today Year2 enjoyed an exciting trip to the local library. The librarian read stories and talked about fiction and non fiction books. Then we had time with our friends to look at books.

Class Scorpio enjoyed their visit to Dagenham Library. The librarian showed us around the library. Then we explored and read some books. They also told us about the reading activities and competitions at the library. At the end the librarian read us some stories. (Literacy)

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