Information about our Special Educational Needs/Disability (SEND) Offer.
Roles and Responsibilities
Our Head Teacher : Yolanda Cattle
Ms Cattle has overall responsibility for the day to day leadership and management of provision. She works very closely with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator [SENCo] and keeps the Governing Body fully informed about SEND issues at Village.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator : Debbie Rosaman
Mrs Rosaman is responsible for day-to-day implementation of the school’s SEND Policy. She co-ordinates SEND provision by working closely with staff, parents/carers, and outside agencies. She also organises staff training and evaluates the effectiveness of SEND provision at the school.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Governor : Nichola Bridge
Nichola Bridge helps to ensure that all Governors are knowledgeable about SEND provision at Village. She meets regularly with MS Cattle and Mrs Rosaman and attends appropriate training.
It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and Governors to ensure that the school is accessible to children with SEND. Our building has a ramp and a lift and a toilet for children with a physical disability.
School Telephone Number 0208 270 6589