
Regular school attendance is an important part of giving children the best possible start in…

At Village Infants, Nursery and Reception compete to get the best attendance to look after Georgina and Year 1 and Year 2 compete to get the best attendance to look after George. The class which has the best attendance in the school will also receive the attendance trophy.

Current Winners (15.07.24)

Class Cortina
Class Fiesta
Class Fiesta

Every Day Matters

Attendance during one school year Equivalent Days MissedEquivalent Sessions MissedEquivalent Weeks MissedEquivalent Lessons Missed
95%9 Days18 Sessions2 Weeks54 Lessons
90%19 Days38 Sessions4 Weeks114 Lessons
85%29 Days58 Sessions6 Weeks174 Lessons
80%38 Days72 Sessions8 Weeks228 Lessons
75%48 Days96 Sessions10 Weeks288 Lessons
70%57 Days114 Sessions11.5 Weeks342 Lessons
65%67 Days134 Sessions13.5 Weeks402 Lessons

It is also important to arrive at school on time. If a child arrives late to school every
day, their learning begins to suffer. Below is a graph showing how being late to
school every day over a school year adds up to lost learning time over one academic

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