Year 1

Year 1 is made up of three classes; Orion, Sierra and Escort.


Welcome to the Year 1 page. Here you will find information on what we will be learning over the year. You’ll also find the our teaching and support staff, along with a feed of recent tweets from Year 1.

School Hours

Morning: 8.40am – 12:15pm
Afternoon: 1:20pm – 3:10pm
School gates open 8.35-8.40am.

Year 1 Staff

  • Amy Whiffin

    Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Maths Lead, Co Geography Lead, KS1 lead, LAC Lead, Attendance Lead, Assessment Lead, Students & volunteers
  • Miss Booth

    Sierra Class Teacher, Computing Lead
  • Ms Hindocha

    Orion Class Teacher, Art Lead, Mental Health & Wellbeing lead, School Council, RSJ Coordinator
  • Miss Kaur

    Escort Class Teacher, Safeguarding Team, KS1 Reading Lead, Co English Lead
  • Miss Richards

    Escort Class Teaching Assistant, Mid Day Assistant
  • Mrs Allen

    Sierra Class Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Boys

    Orion Class Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Imran

    SEN SUPPORT, Mid Day Assistant
  • Ms Whelan

    Music Teacher, Music Lead

Year 1 Tweets

Year1 had a fantastic trip to Barking Gurdwara last week. We loved the beautiful building and continued our Religious Education learning about Sikhism. We enjoyed seeing the Guru Granth Sahib being read. We then enjoyed a snack in the Langar where they serve food.

Today in history Year 1 have been looking at toys, past and present. Class Orion really enjoyed playing with the toys and then using their art skills to draw what they could see.

Y1 have been having lots of fun editing their information about the penguin from the book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Class Orion were so excited about what they had created.

Just when you thought Y1 couldn’t get any better…D&T slinky animals!!! Class Orion really enjoyed designing, making and evaluating their own slinky animals.

This week in PSHE Class Orion were learning how to work together to create a shared goal together with a partner. All of the children worked hard to find a goal that they both could work on together.

Class Sierra enjoyed sorting 2D shapes today in their maths lesson. They decided how to sort them with a partner and carefully sorted by colour, shape or number of sides.

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