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Nursery children dressed up and tried to be funny by pulling their faces to celebrate the Red Nose Day! 😀
Happy Red Nose Day from Class Orion.
Our caterpillars have turned into a chrysalis! I wonder how long it will take for them to turn into caterpillars?
Class Scorpio have really enjoyed designing, making and evaluating their aeroplanes with a working axle. (DT)
Happy Red Nose Day from Class Escort!
Look at our lovely Spring flowers! Nursery learnt about Spring and we created some pictures of flowers through observational painting and drawing, for our Art and Religious Education lessons.
Nursery have been reading, ‘The little red hen’ this week. We enjoyed tasting different varieties of breads, which were made of flour.
Year2 had a wonderful experience with a virtual visit from the author of Ibraheem’s Perfect Eid Farhana Islam. (Literacy and Religious Education)
Y1 are having a wonderful time at the Barking Gurdwara for their R.E trip.
Year1 had a fantastic trip to Barking Gurdwara last week. We loved the beautiful building and continued our Religious Education learning about Sikhism. We enjoyed seeing the Guru Granth Sahib being read. We then enjoyed a snack in the Langar where they serve food.
Class Scorpio have been inspired by the artists Claude Monet and Jenny Mathews to paint using watercolours.
Nursery children have loved finding the hidden numbers in the garden during the number hunt all this week.
We would like to thank Shiloh Remy from Dagenham and Redbridge football club for visiting our Nursery and reading a story to our children on World Book Day!
We dressed up to celebrate the World Book Day at Nursery and shared some nice stories. Look out for some more pictures in the next post!☺️
Class Cortina celebrated World Book Day. We heard lots of stories, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Elma and the Big Bird, Alice and Wonderland and The Ugly Duckling. A year 2 class came and read to us as well as a Dagenham & Redbridge footballer and Miss Whiffin.
Year 1 went to Barking Gurdwara and learnt about Sikhism (Religious Education)
Reception Granada class enjoyed dressing up as part of world book day.
In Maths Class Mondeo have been learning to add two numbers together.