

At Village Infants School we value curiosity, kindness, perseverance and resilience and these core values are woven throughout our inclusive science curriculum. We aim to nurture and develop children who:

  • Show curiosity about the world around them
  • Show resilience when their ideas are tested and challenged
  • Show kindness and respect to animals, other people, and the world around them
  • Show perseverance when things do not go as they expected

Through our broad and rich curriculum we aim to spark the children’s enthusiasm, thirst for knowledge and love of challenge. We believe that the experiences, skills and knowledge that our curriculum embeds, will provide the foundations to ensure that the children are confident, and keen to explore and engage with science around them throughout their lives.


At Village Infant School, our science curriculum is embedded through appropriate cross-curricular links, or through quality key texts to provide context and meaning. For example in Key Stage One the children develop their knowledge of animals and humans by studying Croc and Bird by Alexis Deacon, or Grandad’s Island by Benji Davies. Cross-curricular links allow the children to apply their knowledge, develop a deeper understanding and embed their knowledge. For example, the children apply their science knowledge and skills when describing historical artefacts, or homes in the past. Our science lessons have been designed to be progressive from Nursery through to Year 2 and beyond. We recognise that it is important to develop the children’s scientific vocabulary, therefore at all ages and stages we encourage the children to develop their vocabulary whether through first-hand experiences, book talk, or explicit teaching. We then encourage them to apply the vocabulary during lessons, including investigations and experiments. We have included the study of scientists such as David Attenborough in order to inspire and engage the children. We encourage the children to ‘be scientists’ in every science lesson, whether in the classroom, in the school grounds or whilst visiting the local area and we emphasise the importance of using the correct vocabulary, equipment and scientific skills.


Pupils are active learners, excited and engaged in Science lessons. They are curious, challenged and asking questions, eager to find out more and make sense of the world around them. As a result, they develop a growth mindset, respect and kindness for others and the world around them. Pupils are regularly assessed through questioning, class discussions, pupil questionnaires and quizzes throughout the unit of work. This assessment is used to address misconceptions, evaluate the effectiveness of our curriculum, and to inform future planning. The percentage of children reaching the expected standard at the end of Key Stage One in Science are above local authority and national averages.

Science Tweets

Look at our lovely Spring flowers! Nursery learnt about Spring and we created some pictures of flowers through observational painting and drawing, for our Art and Religious Education lessons.

Year 2 Science. We have been learning about animals and their offspring. We have been sorting animals into offspring who look like their adults and those who do not look like their adults

Year2 are busy starting their shoebox habitats. They are linking their D&T, Science and Geography learning. In PSHE they have been learning how to work collaboratively and they are using those skills today too!

The Nite Owls came to visit Village Infant School. In science Year2 are learning about animal habitats. They have been researching information about owls to write a report.

Class Cortina had great fun looking for signs of Autumn in the reception garden. We used our senses to see what we could see, hear, touch and smell. Science

Year1 have been learning about seasonal changes in Autumn in their science and geography lessons. We enjoyed looking for the changes in Dagenham park this week.

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