
At Village Infants we aim to deliver a broad and balanced Personal, Social Health and Economic education, (PSHE) which is inclusive and will enable all to acquire new knowledge and skills and ensure that each of our pupils will know more, remember more and understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as children and in later life.

We deliver a curriculum that enables our children to be happy, mentally and physically healthy, independent and responsible members of a society, who understand how they are developing personally and socially.  We aim to give our pupils the confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and to appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society and how to keep themselves safe. Moreover our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We challenge all of our pupils to look for opportunities to demonstrate the school core values of perseverance, resilience, kindness and curiosity.


PSHE is taught at least once a week.

In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) we follow the PSHE scheme Jigsaw and in Year One and Two we follow the PSHE Association Programme of Study including statutory Relationships and Health Education. 

In Early Years lessons are taught through Personal Social and Emotional Development (ELG Self regulation, Managing self and Building Relationships) intentions.  The lessons are taught in a circle time sessions and core themes of relationships, health, understanding themselves and coping with change are taught in Nursery and revisited in Reception so children have the opportunity to build upon the knowledge and skills taught.  Knowledge taught can them be explored and applied during the school day through adult led activities and through everyday life experiences and discussions.

In Key Stage One lessons are taught through the three core themes of Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World and are taught in a cyclical way so children have time to reflect and build upon the knowledge and skills taught.  Learning intentions are shared and referred to throughout the PSHE lessons and ground rules are shared at the beginning of every lesson to ensure children understand that everyone has the right to be heard, that we treat everyone with respect and that not everyone shares the same viewpoint. The lessons give pupils purposeful learning experiences to help them understand their world and to how to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.  There is a strong emphasis on building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, as well as how contribute to our community and world. 

Across the two Key phases teachers ensure the lessons and activities are differentiated to meet the needs of all learners and to further develop their knowledge and skills children are given enriching experiences through workshops on Gender stereotypes, Skip2Bfit, the importance of recycling and looking after the environment and road safety awareness sessions led by the LBBD. PSHE is also supported through whole school assemblies, led by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and Stand By Me, a charity that supports children in Africa.  At Village our pupils are taught how to positively become members of their community. We ensure that through the school, children take part in national events such as Remembrance Day, Children in Need and Anti-Bullying Week; understanding how they can support the community they live in.

Key vocabulary relating to PSHE is planned for all lessons, shared and displayed on  class vocabulary boards for reference during lessons to ensure language development.  Children are encouraged to use this vocabulary during lessons and when appropriate in the school day. 

PSHE is also taught through reading and discussing high quality texts that are used to reinforce themes of relationships, health and wellbeing, and looking after our world as well as rich texts that explore the British Values of Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty, Rule of Law and Democracy.

PSHE has links to Science, RE, PE and Computing.


Progress in PSHE is monitored in line with end of unit outcomes outlined in the Jigsaw and PSHE Association framework.  Class teachers will complete an assessment of the class at the end of each unit of work.  The subject lead will interview pupils and take samples of work from workbooks and floor books to monitor progress across the school every half term.

Through systematic and cyclical PSHE lessons, through the teaching of British Values, alongside the daily reinforcement of our schools core values, through the teaching of growth mindset lessons, through the support of caring and encouraging adult role models in school, through the celebration of diversity, through the exposure to aspirational workforce within their community, through opportunities to contribute to wider community (planting at Old Dagenham Park and charity fundraising), through the leadership opportunities (school council and school leaders), and through an inclusive environment we will ensure all pupils are on a pathway to live happy, productive, self fulfilled, positive lives, which will enable them to be successful citizens in the culturally diverse and neuro-diverse Great Britain.

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Children from Village Infants and William Ford worked together with the SUGi project to plant a Pocket Forest in Old Dagenham Park.   We planted Elder, Dogwood and Hawthorne trees. We felt proud because we  helping the environment, and are improving our local park for the whole community! 


We have celebrated Black History Month and enjoyed finding out about inspirational people such as Katherine Johnson, Mary Seacole and Nicola Adams.

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PSHE Tweets

Year2 are busy starting their shoebox habitats. They are linking their D&T, Science and Geography learning. In PSHE they have been learning how to work collaboratively and they are using those skills today too!

This week in PSHE Class Orion were learning how to work together to create a shared goal together with a partner. All of the children worked hard to find a goal that they both could work on together.

Personal social health and Economic education PSHE Dreams and Goals Year 2 have been working in teams to create Dreambirds. We have been learning about the importance of teamwork and working to achieve a goal.

Nursery children participated in Odd sock day for anti bullying week and learnt standing up for theirselves against bullying as part of the PSHE lesson.

Class Sierra have been wearing their #oddsocks for #OddSocksDay. We have thought about respect for others and ourselves in our PSHE lesson and enjoyed designing our own pair of odd socks. 🧦

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