Design and Technology

Design Technology is made up of Design & Making and Cooking.


At Village Infants we believe that a high-quality design and technology curriculum requires curiosity, creativity and imagination.  Pupils will develop an understanding of the design cycle and use it to think creatively and take risks with their ideas.  Evaluating past and present D&T e.g.  exploring a range of existing puppet products or exploring plane designs from the past into the present, develops critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.  D&T has many links across the curriculum e.g. mathematics, history, science, computing, art and offers rich opportunities for a wide variety of experiences. 


At Village Infants D&T knowledge and skills have been mapped to ensure progression between year groups throughout the school.  D&T in the National Curriculum has 4 areas: mechanisms, structures, textiles and cooking and nutrition.  These areas are revisited throughout EYFS and KS1.  Each task the children undertake follows the design process of design, make and evaluate and allows pupils to build on previous learning, adding complexity.

The design process is underpinned with relevant progressive vocabulary and skills and knowledge.  Cooking and nutrition has its own section focusing on principles, knowledge, skills and techniques and includes where food originates, diet and seasonality.

At Village Infants we want our pupils to have enriching D&T experiences.  We aim to inspire our pupils by presenting a brief and/or scenario which encourages them to think creatively e.g. once pupils understand how a zig-zag mechanism works applying it to their choice of creature with similar attributes to the Slinky Dog.  Lessons are practical and encourage pupils to design and make products that have a purpose or solve a real-life problem, considering the needs of others. The design, make and evaluate process helps our pupils understand and develop the attributes of a growth mindset, as well as our values of perseverance and resilience. Teachers ensure inclusive learning by differentiating lessons and providing a range of support and resources where needed.  This ensures all learners have an appropriate level of challenge.

Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks to paired and group work.  This allows pupils to learn and develop kindness and to appreciate the ideas and strengths of others.  Staff have a strong subject knowledge enabling them to deliver the D&T curriculum.  Staff work in curriculum teams across EYFS and KS1 to regularly discuss D&T, how it links to other curriculum areas and enabling the identification of any areas for future staff training and subject development.


From the very beginning of their EYFS experience we want our pupils to learn to think creatively with the resources provided in our classrooms and outdoor areas.  As pupils develop vocabulary, skills and knowledge they apply their creativity to specific tasks.  A growth mindset helps even our youngest pupils understand that it is good to take risks, try things out and modify their creations.  In KS1 pupils are assessed during lessons and at the end of each unit.  The assessment is used to address any misconceptions, identify any gaps in skills or knowledge and to review the curriculum for future planning.  Ultimately, we hope to create innovative thinkers.  Inspiring our pupils to become the next generation of designers, engineers, architects and chefs and to begin understanding how D&T skills and knowledge can be used in their future lives!

Design and Technology Tweets

Class Escort have really enjoyed their DT lessons this half term. They had lots of fun designing, making and evaluating their own puppet. The sewing part was a bit tricky, they had to concentrate very hard. They chose traditional tale characters, can you guess the characters?

Class Sierra have loved their DT lessons this half term! We practised weaving first before we designed, sewed and then decorated our puppets. Can you recognise any traditional tale characters in our puppet theatre?

Class Cortina went to the greengrocer to buy some fruit. We used the fruit to make a rainbow fruit salad. We talked about fruit being part of a healthy diet. DT, Art, PSHE.

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