We pride ourselves on the positive comments we receive relating to the warm and helpful welcome that our office staff give to parents and visitors.
If you need information related to any aspects of school life then please ask in the Office. If we are unable to answer your query or solve your problem we will endeavour to direct you to someone who can.
- All
- Governors
- Middle Leadership Team
- Nursery
- Office
- Reception
- Safeguarding
- Senior Leadership Team
- Subject Lead
- Sunshine Class
- Support Staff
- Year 1
- Year 2
Yolanda Cattle
Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Behaviour Lead, History Lead, Co English Lead, Pupil Premium lead, Teaching and Learning Lead, Inclusion Lead
Amy Whiffin
Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Maths Lead, Co Geography Lead, KS1 lead, LAC Lead, Attendance Lead, Assessment Lead, Students & volunteers
Su Joy
School Business Manager, H&S, Co-opted Governor
Mrs Rosaman
SENDCo, Safeguarding Team, Staff Governor
Mrs Spoor
Office Manager and Attendance Officer, Safeguarding Team
Ms Goswami
Nursery Class Teacher
Mrs Allison
Mondeo Class Teacher, EYFS Lead, EYFS Reading Lead, Safeguarding Team, Co Geography Lead
Miss Booth
Sierra Class Teacher, Computing Lead
Mrs Gray
Cortina Class Teacher, D&T Lead
Mrs Miah
Cortina Class Teacher
Mrs Barker
Granada Class Teacher, P.E Lead
Ms Hindocha
Orion Class Teacher, Art Lead, Mental Health & Wellbeing lead, School Council, RSJ Coordinator
Mrs Dean
Capri Class Teacher, PSHE Lead
Mrs Allchurch
Capri Class Teacher, Science Lead
Mrs Miah
Scorpio Class Teacher, RE Lead
Mrs Chowdhury
Fiesta Class Teacher, EAL Lead
Miss Kaur
Escort Class Teacher, Safeguarding Team, KS1 Reading Lead, Co English Lead
Mrs Henney
SEN Support
Ms Batty
Cortina Class Teaching Assistant
Charlotte Miller
Granada Class Teaching Assistant, Mid Day Assistant
Mrs Davison
Granada Class Teaching Assistant
Miss Richards
Escort Class Teaching Assistant, Mid Day Assistant
Mrs Duplock
Capri Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Allen
Sierra Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Boys
Orion Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Vize
Fiesta Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs Cuthbertson
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Ms Gosturani
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Mrs Riach
Mondeo Teaching Assistant, Mid Day Assistant
Mrs Smith
Mid Day Assistant
Mrs Siggers
Teaching Assistant, Mid Day Assistant
Mrs Joseph
SEN SUPPORT, Mid Day Assistant
Mr Wells
Caretaker, Mid Day Assistant, SEN Support
Miss L Tilley
SEN Support, SEN Mid Day
Miss Parkes
SEN Support
Mrs Bennett
SEN Support
Mrs Tampu
SEN Support
Mrs Twohig
SEN Support
Ms Mafuta
SEN Support
Ms Dobson
SEN Support
Mrs O’Neill
SEN Support, SEN Mid Day
Mrs Imran
SEN SUPPORT, Mid Day Assistant
Miss N Tilley
Office Assistant, SEN Mid Day
Mrs Meha
SEN Support, Mid Day Assistant
Ms Hana
SEN Support, Mid Day Assistant
Mrs Radu
SEN SUPPORT, Mid Day Assistant
Miss Dita
SEN Mid Day
Miss Oli
SEN Support, SEN Mid Day
Mr Smith
IT Technician and Office assistant
Miss Kane
Kitchen Staff
Miss Dyer
Kitchen Staff
Mrs Evans
School Cleaner
Ms Olubeko
School Cleaner
School Cleaner
Ms Whelan
Music Teacher, Music Lead
Harriet Spoor
Chair of Governors
Bernadette Thompson
Co-opted Governor
Glen Spoor
Co-opted Governor
Lee Buckingham
Co-opted Governor - Safeguarding
Nichola Bridge
Co-opted Governor - SEND / Inclusion
Naureen Akhtar
Co-opted Gov
Andy Carr
Co-opted Governor
Martin Nicholson
Co-opted Governor
Sunday Aladetoyinbo
Parent Governor
Louisa Sparks
Parent Governor