Message from the Head

Welcome to Village Infant School. As an infant school we are proud to be able to share your child’s first experience of school with you. We are committed to providing a safe and caring environment for your child to begin their learning journey, where all children can achieve their very best and become lifelong learners.

At Village Infants our core values are:

  • Perseverance…. Helps us to keep doing something even when it is difficult.
  • Resilience……… Helps us to feel OK about making mistakes.
  • Curiosity ………...Makes us eager to learn and ask questions.
  • Kindness….….….Makes us friendly and considerate of other people’s feelings.
IMG 9982 Mrs Cattle and Sunny

We want our children to understand that when they are kind and considerate to others they feel good themselves. We also believe that children learn best when they feel safe to make mistakes. Children need to perceive difficulty not as a failure but as an opportunity to embrace challenge and learn something new. This allows them to develop perseverance and resilience so that they are eager to learn, willing to try new things and do not give up when ‘the going gets tough!

To achieve this staff and children need to think with a Growth Mindset, to believe that everyone can grow their intelligence, their talents and become smarter.

We do not want our children to say “I can’t do that!”

We want them to say “I can’t do that yet! “

We welcome you to the Village community and look forward to working together to help our children grow.

We hope you find the information on the website useful. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any further questions.

Yolanda Cattle

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