The Governing Body

Village Infant’s Governors are extremely supportive and work closely with the Headteacher and staff in monitoring and developing the school.

The full Governing Board must meet each term to discuss the Headteacher’s Report and the Local Authority Agenda.

In addition, they all meet again for the School Improvement Committee meeting. This committee looks at finance, curriculum, attainment, premises and health and safety and is a more informal forum.

There is also a separate Finance Committee who meet termly with our Local Authority Finance Officer.

The Governing Board is made up from representatives from the Local Authority, The School and Parents.

If you wish to talk to a Governor please contact the school office. Alternatively, the office will forward written correspondence directly to any Governor.

Please note: Copies of minutes, and papers considered at, meetings of the Governing Board and its committees are available upon request. Please contact Mrs Bishop. Details can be found on the contact details page. 

Governing Code of Conduct

Register of Interest

Record of Attendance of Governing Board Meetings

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