Our Governing Body is made up of the following members…
Yolanda Cattle
Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Behaviour Lead, History Lead, Co English Lead, Pupil Premium lead, Teaching and Learning Lead, Inclusion Lead
Su Joy
School Business Manager, H&S, Co-opted Governor
Mrs Rosaman
SENDCo, Safeguarding Team, Staff Governor
Harriet Spoor
Chair of Governors
Bernadette Thompson
Co-opted Governor
Glen Spoor
Co-opted Governor
Lee Buckingham
Co-opted Governor - Safeguarding
Nichola Bridge
Co-opted Governor - SEND / Inclusion
Naureen Akhtar
Co-opted Gov
Andy Carr
Co-opted Governor
Martin Nicholson
Co-opted Governor
Sunday Aladetoyinbo
Parent Governor
Louisa Sparks
Parent Governor